Who We Are

Founded in Los Angeles, Rex Media provides impactful and timely advertising messages for both National and Local advertisers in the Greater Los Angeles area of the San Gabriel Valley. Through the use of a Digital Outdoor network, Rex Media delivers dynamic content for consumers to imbibe as they cruise down the busy California roadway.

With the advent of Digital Billboards, advertising has never been so effective; Even small business owners can expect to have increased revenue and can benefit from being displayed on billboards in high-traffic areas. At Rex Media, we are dedicated to our clients and their success, so we work with our advertisers to not only spread their message, but also to help them prosper from the right exposure.

Our Outdoor Digital Billboards provide unprecedented abilities for us to deliver any content, any time at any location. By having control at the tip of our fingers, digital outdoor displays make it easy for advertisers to display content in simple, yet meaningful ways and still provide full flexibility for campaigns and brand awareness. In a time when most traditional means of advertisements are easily skipped over or disregarded, rest assured to the fact that digital billboards will never be missed!